Due to the amount of work we have at the moment and deadlines that are required to be met, (Myself, Alistair, Rob, and Chris) have decided to not enter the competition and leave it as far as we got to. Its a shame because we put a lot of time into this brief but never decided on a final outcome, we would start one idea and then move onto the next, the group simply wasn't working.
Our ideas were strong and were aimed at the correct target audience, we met the brief as well as we could. The first idea we had was to use sexual innuendo, with a strong tag line which was aimed directly at innocent smoothies (Being innocent is ok but being naughty is more fun). I felt this was a strong idea we just didn't push it further. The main reason being is because we had a look at some of the D&AD entries online and someone had used the same idea and executed it really well. This really put us off pursuing this idea any further. So this is where the mess started, after decided we would change the idea we met up constantly to have group discussions and we simply were not moving forward with this project.
But after a few group discussions we finally decided on a new idea, which then changed again during the working process, I will go on to explain. We started with the idea of using bottle of Pj smoothies in full colour combined with human models which would be featured in the background of the image in black and white to create an advert which would ask the intended viewer a rhetorical question, how do you cure your hangover? how do you relax?
This then changed slightly by replacing the human model with the Pj smoothie bottle, basically using the bottle as a human. Due to the fact that we could never decide on what one to produce we only ended up with two incomplete visualizations.
I have included the two images which we felt were closet to completion, but as I said there incomplete.
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