I have worked really hard on this project and I feel that it has paid off, I am pleased with the final outcome of my website as I feel that it portrays me well as a graphic designer. I have designed my site so that it is simple and easy to navigate around for the reason that I wanted the viewer to feel comfortable when entering my site. The type I chose works really well throughout the entire site and feel that not only the typeface works well but also the colour of the type looks strong against the white background. I feel that I have exicuted the design well and am pleased with the way that my site displays my work. I chose to use the lightbox effect which presents my work to a professional standard and wouldn't change this way of presenting my work as I feel that it shows off the work really well. By looking at my site I can't really think of anything that I would change at this point, but im sure when I get my feedback there will be some aspects of the site I will be told to consider. Other than that I feel that this has been my most stongest project that I have worked on during the study of this course as I have learnt so many new and what I feel benifical skills, which I think will come handy later on in life as a designer, and I am really proud of the final outcome.
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