I started of this week by researching further into Animal and there products my self after our group presentation and started to think about what sort of watch would be suitable to use for snowboarders, so I started by looking at Animal's watches which are waterproof and designed for extreme sports. I also looked at different companies which produce products designed for extreme sports, I looked at there products and compared them to Animals products. After reseaching into the product design I decided to look at the work of David Carson, I chose to look at this particular graphic designer because he has a great interest surfing which comes under the extreme sports that Animal design for, I thought his work could give some inspiration of what type of graphics I could use on my packaging design.
The next step was to research into snowboarding itself, so I wanted to gain some some knowledge about the history of snowboarding. Whilst reading about the history of snowboarding I was reading about a snowboard designer called Jake Burton Carpenter who is the founder of Burton snowboards. I had never heard of this company as I don't have much knowledge about snowboarding, so I decided to look into this company by looking at there website, turns out that Burton is one of the largest snowboard designers in the world, they had a lot of incredible snowboard designs to look at including different designs for male and female boards.
The next day I decided to go and purchase a snowboarding magazine, this particular magazine was called Document Snowboard. I found a lot of interesting pieces in this magazine including some Animal adverts. I also thought it would be a good idea to look at some packaging books to gain some inspiration, so I went to the library and found some interesting books on packaging which started to give me some ideas of what to produce to create my own packaging design.
So after looking at other packaging designs I started to sketch out some ideas in my sketchbook, the main idea I thought would work best for the packaging of a watch was to have the packaging designed into the shape of a snowboard, I thought this could work well as the shape of the snowboard is a similar shape to a watch when it is laid out flat, this could then give me a lot to work with.