Saturday, 14 February 2009

I have been stressing long and hard about wether to change my idea completley for my professional project and I have come to a decision, and that decision is yes I am chaning it. I have decided to change my idea due to the fact of my presentation, I have been thinking about the feedback that I received an no longer want to think about it any more. The presentation made me realise that the project I have set myself is not strong enough, I created to much work for myself, and also the wrong work, the idea consisted of me interviewing other students whci meant I would spend most of my time writng the up. Also I realised that writing is not my strongest area so it would be a bad idea to carry on with this idea. So I have been brainstorming fresh new ideas and this is what I propose to design for my professional project (A brand/identity for an non-existant organic/eco friendly clothing company). 

Why I have chosen to do this?

Well I think it is for the best really, as part of this second year I am meant to be a more independent student and this means I have to make decisions by my own accord. A very vital decision aswell, the reason for the change was because I sat down and really thought about what I want to do, what would I like to produce? and also what will make a strong piece of portfolio work. And I think that this new idea answers all of these questions. I look foward to really getting stuck into this project now and feel its a much exciting and challenging project to work on than the last one. 

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