Friday 20 February 2009

Screen based communication 2 results/feedback

Today I received my results for screen based communication 2, I was pleased with the feedback that I received for this project as it was very positive and really helpful feedback. I was told that I worked really hard on this project which I feel I did, and that the final outcome works really well as a portfolio as it is minimal and well organised. I was also told to consider a few things which I now have realized and completely agree with, I was told to consider decreasing the size of my thumbnails as they are a bit large and indiscreet compared to other elements within my site. The other thing was to develop more confidence in my designs because when I am faced with a problem I tend to go with a completely new idea, but as it says in my feedback I will develop this skill through my professional project. 

My overall grade for this project was 57, which isn't bad, but then its not great. I said to myself before I get the grade if I get over 55 then I would be pleased but for some reason im not. I think it because of the fact that I only got 46 on the last project so at the moment I am still only borderline 50, I think. To progress onto the BA Graphics course I have to achieve over 50 overall for this year and at the moment I am just scrapping that, not only do I want to achieve this to progress onto BA Graphics but I also want to achieve it for myself, because if I were to get an overall grade below 50 this year I would not be pleased with myself. So therefore I have to now step up a gear and really push my professional project. 

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