Reflecting on my work helps me a lot because it makes me realize what I have done wrong and how I can improve this next time, so therefore I intend to continue reflecting on myself and my own work throughout this blog to help me improve as a designer.
Friday, 19 December 2008
Evaluation/Reflection of first term
I found this first term very challenging as the briefs were very open in a sense that I was able to create designs from my own ideas, I feel that I have developed as a designer since last year as I am working harder on each project so therefore I am pleased with how I am working. I learnt a lot this term whilst working on each of the VCC2 briefs, the main thing that I learnt from each brief was that if you come up with a strong idea at the start of the project then you have a stronger chance of producing a strong final outcome. I feel that this was my main problem within my work apart from the Animal packaging design where I felt I started with a strong idea and also showed strong development work. The greetings card project was the one where I felt that I lacked in by not coming up with a strong idea at the beginning, this really effected my work as a had little time to come up with my finished outcomes after I thought of what I will be producing for my greetings card designs. This was my own fault because after the critique for the Look Again/Think Again project I started by developing my poster instead of working on the greetings card project, this was a big mistake and really had an impact on my greetings card designs.
Sunday, 14 December 2008

Wednesday, 10 December 2008
VCC2 Results
Today I received my results for Visual Communication in context 2, I was pleased with the feedback that I received but I know that I need to improve my final designs. I feel that I put a lot of effort into each project and this was shown in the feedback that I received.
Each of my grades were between the 40-49 mark which isn't were I want to be, so I really need to consider the feedback I received and reflect on it. My overall grade was 46, I can understand why I received this grade and I do agree with all of the feedback that I received for each project, but this doesn't mean that I am satisfied with this mark. In fact I am quite disappointed in myself as I was hoping to achieve better than this, although I feel I worked hard on each project I know that I kept making the wrong decisions, I feel that my research for each project was well produced, its just my final product that needs producing to a professional standard.
I really want to achieve a strong final grade at the end of the year and to do this I intend to put as much effort as I have for this project, but to also take on board the feedback that I received and to put this into practice in the up and coming projects.
Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Friday, 5 December 2008
After the tutorial with Mike yesterday we looked at other adverts which are aimed at a similar age group as the one that we are aiming our campaign at. After looking at these adverts we gained lots of inspiration and ideas of what we could base our concept around. The best idea that we thought of was to use sexual innuendo to create a funny, funky and humorous poster campaign. This idea went down well with Mike and we were told to look into this concept further, and to also start thinking of tag-lines, typography and also visual ideas.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Today myself Alistair and Robert had a tutorial with Michael Ryan about the competition brief that we had chosen. We started off by explaining what brief we had chosen to work on and also explained to Michael what the requirements of the brief were. We then showed him what visual research we had gathered which was mainly other advertisements aimed at people aged between 16-25 year olds. We did explain that we were going to focus on the fact that the product is only 99p but then we decided to change this by focusing on our target audience. Michael did say that we could still show that the product is only 99p but it is good that we are now focusing on our target audience, so we now need to look at how other companies have communicated with a similar target audience, we also need to research other drink companies which use a fun and funky way of communicating with there audience.
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Today myself, Alistair and Robert had a tutorial with Neil about the live brief that we have chosen. We started of by explaining which brief we have chosen and what we have been working on so far, we explained that we have gathered some knowledge about the competitors of PJ smoothies such as innocent and tropicana and then began to go into detail about our concept which we thought of which was interacting the fruit with the bottle and making sure that the viewer knows that the smoothie is only 99p. After discussing some ideas we were told to research into our target audience, the brief is is asking of us to aim the campaign at students aged between 16-25 year olds so therefore this will be our target audience. We were told to look at other adverts which are aimed at this particular age group to get an idea of what to produce, and also what interests people in this age group. So for thursday we intend to have a lot of visual research to show Michael Ryan who will be coming in to help us with the brief.
Saturday, 29 November 2008

Friday, 28 November 2008

Today I have been looking at other websites for inspiration, I found a lot of inspiration to say the least, I found a feature that I liked on a few websites known as a light box. This feature on websites looks really professional and presents images to a high standard. By looking at these websites I feel that I now have a solid idea of how I will be presenting my work on my website. I intend to look into how I will be able to create this effect on my website by looking at some tutorials on websites given within the brief, and also I will look at other tutorials that I feel will benefit my website.
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Screen based communication 2
Today I was given the new brief which is based on creating my own portfolio for the web. I have been looking forward to this project as I will finally be able to upload all of my work that I have produced onto the web. I studied the brief carefully and thought about what I need to consider when creating my website.
- I have to think about why people use the internet, and how they will be able to link to my site.
- I also need to consider how I will be presenting my self to the intended viewer, this is basically who I am and what I do. To create an identity for my self I will be looking at the style of my work and then incorporating this particular style into my website design.
- I need to consider what the viewer wants/is looking for, I mean obviously this will take part within my work presented on the website but most importantly the design of the site itself.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Animal packaging reflection

I felt like I have worked really hard on this project but didn't achieve what I hoped, I think that the idea for my packaging was really good, I just feel I didn't exicute it well enough. I felt it was hard to design the final outcome for my idea as there was no way of creating a net for the packaging as the shape of my packaging wasn't a box. Its a shame because this could of been a strong piece of work to put in the portfolio. So I intend to design a net for a simple box with the graphics that I designed to present in my portfolio. Saying that I do feel that I produced a solid amount of development and research for this project.
I feel that the graphics I designed for the packaging works really well which I am most pleased with, and I think that the choice of colours that I used for the packaging looks strong, as it was aimed at snowoarders I feel these different shades of blue were appropriate and worked really well. I would like to actually made the packaging for the watch as I feel that it was a really solid idea that I had it just didn't look professional drawn up in illustrator.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Live brief
Today I looked through the D&AD briefs with Robert and Alistair, we found a few of them interesting and found it quite hard to decide on which brief to chose. After a strong discussion we all decided that the PJ smoothie brief was the brief that we would work on as a group. I am excited about being able to work on such an interesting brief and am looking forward to working in a group, and believe that we could produce a strong outcome.
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Look Again/Think Again reflection

Its been a bit of a struggle with this project as I kept going back to it and completly changing the design, but after all of this development I have finally came to a design that I am pleased with. I feel this design works a lot better than the previous designs that I have been working on, the message is clear, the type works well and I also think that the choice of colours I have used look strong. Black and white always looks strong against one another due to the contrast between the two. I feel that if I were to do this project again I would of started of by choosing a social issue to design a poster for rather than designing something which is personal to me, I just found it hard to design the poster because there are so many differernt views on wether vinyl sounds better than the average CD/MP3, so really I was designing something that was my own opinion, this made it hard for me to come up with a tagline for the poster.
Overall thought I am pleased with the final outcome as it puts the message that I intended to put across to the viewer. I also feel that it works well as a poster as it has an impact on the viewer to make them look again and think again.
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Greetings cards reflection

I have to admit I don't like these greetings card designs at all, I feel I really stuffed this project up. I don't like anything about them, infact there bloody awful. This is my opinion and I designed them, I suppose you can't be proud of all the work you produce. I feel the main reason why I felt that these designs turned out the way they did was because I admit I started this project way to late, simply because I was trying to finish my Look Again/Think Again poster. Also I spent a mojority of the time creating the stencils that never got used for the cards, I should seeked some advice from a tutor before going off and designing these stencils. This was a bad mistake but hey this is all part of being a designer, you learn from your mistakes. This is what reflecting on your work is all about I have realised so much by looking back at these greetings card designs such as where I went wrong and what I should have done.
As I said before I feel the end product was really bad, but again I feel that in the end I put a lot of work into this project.
Friday, 21 November 2008
Hand in
I managed to complete all of my work for each project in time for the hand in date and feel that I completed my work to the best of my ability. Handing in all my work felt really good and now feel that I can have a well deserved break over the weekend, After the weekend I intend to start working on the live briefs which I am excited about as this will benefit my chances of gaining a job in the industry, once I have started on one of the briefs I will then start thinking about my website design when I get the brief on thursday.
Monday, 17 November 2008
The deadline is getting closer now and I feel my work is getting closer to completion. There are a few final touches that need to be made on my work so this week I will be planning out what I need to do for each day. Now that I have finished my poster design for the Look Again/Think Again project I intend to create a booklet showing my development throughout this project as I feel that the poster has developed a lot more since the last critique, so I think I will produce this booklet first as I am more up to date with the other projects. Once I have completed this task I will then start working on the other bits of work that I need to do to complete all the projects for the final hand in.
Sunday, 16 November 2008
Refining Look Again/Think Again Project

This week I have been refining my projects, as I feel compfortable with how I have progressed with the Animal project I decided to go back and refine the Look Again/Think Again project. I started by looking back through my sketch book and reading the notes that I wrote down from the critiques. I then thought about the correct message I wanted to put across to the intended viewer, the message that I wanted to put across was that vinyl is special and is the best to listen to. So I started to come up with some visual images of how I could show that listening to vinyl is how music should be listened to, to create the images above I have used a photograph of both a vinyl and a pair of headphones with a lead going from the headphones to the vinyl which shows the vinyl is being listened to through the headphones. The lead has been created out of type by using the pen tool to firstly draw the lead and then this enabled me to use the type path tool which allowed me to type along the line that I created for the lead going from the headphones to the vinyl. I then developed the tagline for the poster which I think fits the image well as it puts the intended message across to the viewer and will make the viewer look again and think again.
Friday, 14 November 2008
Final critique
Monday, 10 November 2008
After the critique I started to think about the materials would be most suitable for my packaging so I looked at a website called Chameleon packaging, the website contained lots of materials that were recyclable which I would be perfect for my packaging. As my design was in the shape of a snowboard I had to think of how it could be made, I tried drawing a net for my design but as the shape had lots of curves in it I found this hard to make. So this is why this website helped me, I found a material called Paper Pulp which is made from 100% recycled paper, it is designed so that you can mold a shape into it. I found that this would be perfect to use to create the box for my packaging so using Illustrator I drew up what my box would look like in a 3D perspective.
Friday, 7 November 2008
I thought this was my most positive critique so far, I found this because I knew exactly what I was doing and felt that I explained my idea and everything to go with it really well. I had everything to back my idea up as I researched into what materials I planned to use for the packaging, what graphics I planned to use etc. There was only a slight thing that I was told about changing, which was the shape of the price tag. I created the price tag so that it was in the shape of a snowboard boot, but I was told to think about different shapes to use as some people may not realize that it is a snowboard boot. I agreed with this suggestion and intend to use a shape that would be recognized to snowboarders. Apart from that I was pleased with the feedback I received about my designs and was told to keep developing my idea to create my final packaging design.
Wednesday, 5 November 2008

I started of this week by researching further into Animal and there products my self after our group presentation and started to think about what sort of watch would be suitable to use for snowboarders, so I started by looking at Animal's watches which are waterproof and designed for extreme sports. I also looked at different companies which produce products designed for extreme sports, I looked at there products and compared them to Animals products. After reseaching into the product design I decided to look at the work of David Carson, I chose to look at this particular graphic designer because he has a great interest surfing which comes under the extreme sports that Animal design for, I thought his work could give some inspiration of what type of graphics I could use on my packaging design.
The next step was to research into snowboarding itself, so I wanted to gain some some knowledge about the history of snowboarding. Whilst reading about the history of snowboarding I was reading about a snowboard designer called Jake Burton Carpenter who is the founder of Burton snowboards. I had never heard of this company as I don't have much knowledge about snowboarding, so I decided to look into this company by looking at there website, turns out that Burton is one of the largest snowboard designers in the world, they had a lot of incredible snowboard designs to look at including different designs for male and female boards.
The next day I decided to go and purchase a snowboarding magazine, this particular magazine was called Document Snowboard. I found a lot of interesting pieces in this magazine including some Animal adverts. I also thought it would be a good idea to look at some packaging books to gain some inspiration, so I went to the library and found some interesting books on packaging which started to give me some ideas of what to produce to create my own packaging design.
So after looking at other packaging designs I started to sketch out some ideas in my sketchbook, the main idea I thought would work best for the packaging of a watch was to have the packaging designed into the shape of a snowboard, I thought this could work well as the shape of the snowboard is a similar shape to a watch when it is laid out flat, this could then give me a lot to work with.
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Animal Project
Today I was given a new brief that requires me to produce a packaging design for a new watch which has been designed by Animal, this brief has really got me interested straight away. The first part of the brief was to split up into groups and produce a presentation between us to show our concept and ideas during this process that we will each move forwards individually.
So I went into my group and started of by finding some research about Animal, this helped us brainstorm ideas and thoughts of what we could do, and from this research we looked at the different types of extreme sports that Animal focus on and decided as group that snowboarding would be a strong area to work with. After agreeing this we went of individually to gain more research about designers marketing etc, we then met back after lunch with all this information and started look at who we were going to aiming our packaging at. So we knew we were aiming at snowboarders but from our research we looked at we started to notice the differences between the male and female watches and also the adverts, this was shown through use of colour and also the images themselves. So our concept was to aim at snowboarders aged between 14 and 35, which could be male or female, or even create a uni-sex packaging. I felt this was a strong concept to work with and felt confident about our presentation.
There were a few mistakes during our presentation, one of them being there was to much text on the spreads to read, we were told that the presentation should be mainly images with just a small piece of text by them so we can talk about the images more rather than the viewer having to read the text. Although we told this, we were also told that we had a strong idea to go off and work with individually, so although we made a few slight mistakes with the presentation I am pleased that I can now go and start working on some ideas based around this concept.
Friday, 31 October 2008
Final Greeting cards
These are my final greetings card designs that I feel are finally looking complete. I used the feedback that I received from the final critique to make the finishing touches to my designs, to complete the designs I used the images that I created of the landmarks, I tried using various colours to apply to the landmarks and found that the colour grey worked best so I decided to use this for my final designs. I then thought about how I could include the colours of the flags for each country in my designs, I tried filling the whole of the background with the different colours but I didn't feel that this particular technique was working well, so I tried some other techniques using different media and found that simply using a brush to apply a stroke of watercolour worked perfect. I am pleased with the final outcomes of my designs and feel that they work well as a set, and think that all the work I have done for this project has finally paid off. Although I spent along time working on the stencils I created as Sally said in my critique sometimes you can spend along time working on designs and your client won't like them and other times you spend little time on designs and they do like them, thats just the way it goes.

Final critique
I showed my pattern designs in this critique and was told that the designs that I created before were much stronger for who I was aiming them at. I then showed my stencil and digital designs to both Sally and Neil who agreed that the digital designs with the outline of the landmark and the flag in the background was the ones I should of stuck with and developed. So I now intend to go back to the my original designs and develop them to create a set of six strong postcard designs.
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Pattern designs

From the feedback I received about my greetings card designs I took all of the comments into consideration and thought how I could use these to create stronger designs. So I thought how can I still use the images of the landmarks without having the image of the flags in the background of the designs, but still use the colours of the flags somehow in the designs. So I started by using the outline of the landmark and then simply using the colours of the flags to apply to the background of each design. I didn't like the look of the outcomes so I thought of other ways of how I could still use these processes to complete my designs. This is when I thought of using a pattern design to create my cards, although this has completely changed my designs I have still used the landmarks and just the colours of the flags for each design. To create the pattern I repeated the images of the landmarks and placed them in different positions around the page, I then filled them in using the colours of the flag for each particular design.
Saturday, 25 October 2008
I feel that I got some very strong feedback on my designs both positive and negative, the positive feedback that I got was that the way that I have positioned the landmark onto the card. It looks strong because I haven't just placed the whole landmark onto the card, I have taken part of the landmark and used it by bleeding of the page and also enlarging the landmark which made it stand out, also using the colour black to fill in the landmark makes the landmark look bold and strong as an image.
Things I could improve
- Remove the flag from behind the landmark and just use the colours of the flag
- The designs carries to many connotations, using spray paint doesn't work with who I am aiming my cards at so think about using different media
- Try printing onto different papers to create different effects
I feel that the critique went well and now understand what I need to do to complete my greetings card designs.
Final stencils
These are my final stencil designs for my greetings card project, it took me a few times to get the position of the colours correct but now that they are looking at the best I could get them I feel that the final presentation of them look strong. I think that the spray paint worked well as a media as the shapes of the landmarks and the flags look strong and bold. Its hard for me to chose which designs I think look best between these stencils and the digital ones I made earlier, so I intend to take them to the critique to get other peoples opinions.

To make sure that I could get all the colours in my design I had to cut each part of the design out separately so I could then spray the colours onto the design separately so that the colours do not overlay. Although this took me along time to do I think that it will be worth the while, as I feel my greetings cards will look strong with this choice of media.
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Digital outcomes
Monday, 20 October 2008
Developing stencil

After looking at Banksy's work I started to create my own stencils for my greetings card designs, firstly I traced the image of the Eiffel tower onto a piece of card and then cut out the design using a craft knife. This then gave me a cut out shape of the tower which I could then use as a stencil. I thought about the composition of the landmark, the choice of colours and also how I was going to apply this to my design. In this image I used spray paint to apply the colours of the french flag to my design, I think that this gives a strong impact on the viewer and so I intend to develop this idea further.

Today has been a very practical day for me, as I planned to use stencils to produce some of my greeting card designs I started of the day by looking at artists who use stencils to create there work, guess who came to mind 'Banksy'. These are some of his latest images made in America that I found very inspiring to say the least, the thought process behind his images are incredible. As you can see he will look at what is on the wall before has even started his work to see what he can make from what is already there.
Saturday, 18 October 2008
18th October

This has been what I think my most productive day so far. I started of the day by going out and taking photographs of different urban materials and textures to use in my images. Whilst I was out and about I decided to pick up an international newspaper from boarders called USA Today. The reason I got this particular newspaper was because I intend to use newspaper to create my statue of liberty design, and so I thought what better newspaper to use than an American one.
As I plan to experiment with different materials I also picked up some spry paint whilst I was out because i plan to create some stencils of the landmarks and see which techniques I like best, and then choose when it comes to handing in my final six greeting cards.
These are the images that I produced today from the photographs that I took.
Friday, 17 October 2008
17th October
Today was a really positive day, I really feel that I am going somewhere with the greetings card project. To start of the day I had a critique with Clare and Neil, we discussed my concept and went through the ideas that I have thought of and received some really positive feedback and found the advice I received really helpful, this made me feel a lot more confident about my idea. I was basically told to carry on with what I am doing and develop my images even further.
So after the critique I started drawing my images bigger and bolder and then thinking about the composition and the materials/textures and also techniques I will be using to create my final designs.
16th October
Today I had a critique with Sally about my poster which I felt went very well and gained some helpful feedback. Although there were a few problems with my poster that needed addressing I was pleased that I received positive feedback about the idea behind my poster, So I can now act upon the feedback that I received to improve my design to a professional standard.
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
14th October

Today a did a bit of both, by that I mean I did some work on the greetings card project and also the Look Again/Think Again project. I really wanted to get the poster finished so I could just concentrate on the greeting cards I started with that, I thought about what I could do with the photographs I had taken of the vinyl collection. then an idea came to mind, I thought about tracing over the photograph with a black marker so that all is showing is the outline of the vinyl and the figure. So I traced over the photograph and scanned the image in to photoshop, so far I thought that this is going to look a lot stronger that just a photograph. Although all I had was an outline of the image I could still add colour to the parts of the image, so I did and I was pleased with the outcome so far, now I really know what im doing.
Now that I felt comfortable with what I was doing for the Look Again/Think Again project I then started working on the Greetings Card project, mainly thinking of what materials I will be using to create my designs, what style etc. I also started drawing some characters and deciding on which ones I will be using in my designs. I thought about creating one character and using it in each design, but have a design for each theme so one for a birthday, one for christmas etc.
13th October

Today I decided to take on board the information I received from the critique about the LookAgain/Think Again project and start making the changes to my design that are needed. So the first thing I did was to go and find a vinyl shop, once I had found the vinyl shop I then took the photographs of the boxes of vinyl, which gives the look of a large collection. I then took a few photographs of someone flicking through the vinyl, as I thought that the image would look a lot stronger with a figure in it rather than just a box of vinyl. After taking the photographs I went home and started playing around with the composition of them and also started applying some text. Overall I was pleased with the way these photographs were taken and now feel that I am progressing with this design, so this day has been really productive.
12th October

Today helped me out a lot with this new project as I looked at various different illustrators work to get an idea of what type of illustrations and material I could use in my designs. I found the work of Anne Wilson very inspiring as I liked the materials and textures she uses to create her designs, I feel that I could use the same techniques to create my own designs. I could do this by taking a piece of material and scanning it in to apply to my design which may be imagery or even a piece of type. I also looked at a illustrators magazine called vfoom, where I found a lot of strong illustrations produced by professional designers in which is one of the most talked about illustrator magazines . Here are some illustrations that I that I found most inspiring during this day of research.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
10th October
Greetings cards brief with clare
Today was the start of a new project, we had an illustrator come inn and talk to us about her work, which is greeting card designs. I found this talk very useful as we were able to look through her designs and ideas which helped me think of how to produce my own greeting cards. After the talk I was given a list of websites to look at other artists work, this gave me some inspiration of what to include in my greeting card designs. I am looking foward to starting this new project as I will be able to experimenting with different materials and media as shown by clare's greeting card designs.
Friday, 10 October 2008
9th October

Overall I think this critique went really well as I didn't feel as I was under pressure because we were split into small groups. This made it easier for us to talk about each others work and give our advice or opinion.
Things I should consider to improve my design
- Make the strap line shorter
- Make the vinyl more noticeable
- Put some colour in the image so it stands out
- Play around with the position of the type
8th october
Day before the critique, I feel that I should of researched into what I was trying to say before I started creating digital outcomes then I would of been able to focus on one idea rather than thinking of lots of ideas and not knowing which one to chose. Anyway I went back and had another look through my research that I gathered about why people collect vinyl.
From this research I came up with a tag line, this then helped me plan out some images to use for my poster. After sketching some ideas out onto paper I began to construct my final outcome ready for the critique tomorrow.
7th october
From the talk I had with Neil yesterday I started to research into why people collect vinyl and also why vinyl sounds better than CD. This helped me get an idea of what tag line and image to use in my poster. After the researched I gathered I had to chose one of them to base my design on. I found that I created better ideas and tag lines from the research I got of collecting vinyl rather than the research I got from the sound quality of vinyl. So I now know that I will be basing my final outcome on collecting vinyl.
6th October
Today I began by sketching more tag lines and ideas onto paper, but this was not helping me. So I went to library and searched for a book on advertising. I went to look at other peoples designs because this because I felt this would inspire to think of an idea to use in my own design.
Talk with Neil
It is good that I have researched into other adverts and designs but what I need to do is to think of what I am trying to say in my poster, and then research into that. e.g sound quality of vinyl is better than CD. Then I should get ideas from this research.
3rd October
Today I began to think of more advantages of purchasing a vinyl. Which helped me think of tag lines I could use in my poster. I also gained some information about a campaign called 'stop the war on vinyl'. This is a campaign for all the vinyl lovers out there who would rather use a vinyl than a CD or MP3.
Monday, 6 October 2008
Things to take into consideration
- Sound quality of vinyl is better than an mp3/cd
- Vinyl is collection item
- Retro
- Record sleeves
Visual Communiction in context 2
2nd october 2008
I then went off with a few members of the class to create some initial ideas of what we could use to create our poster. I found this a good way of brainstorming ideas as we could bounce ideas of one another and ask each other for there opinions on our thoughts. As I was thinking of ideas of what to use to create my poster I decided to choose something personal to me as I thought that this would help motivate me and help me produce a stronger outcome. As I was going through my personal objects I came across my vinyl, this object means the most to me and I think that I could produce a strong outcome from using this personal object. So I decided that I would use my vinyl to create a campaign which would persuade the public to purchase a vinyl instead of an mp3/cd.
Outline syllabus
- Personal and career planning
- Contemporary critical and theoretical issues within specialist subject
- Portfolio preparation
- Critical evaluation of your achievements of the unit learning outcomes, and your learning on the course overall
- Time management
- transferable skills
- Documentation of the development of your Professional Project from initial ideas to completion, including creative and logistical problems confronted and overcome.
- To consolidate skills in planning and time management.
- To encourage critical reflection and self-evaluation.
- To contextualize your learning in preparation for employment.
As a part of my second year of studying Visual Communications at the Arts institute at Bournemouth, I have been required to keep a record of what I have been doing during the study of this course. The title given for this project is PPRD (personal planning, reflection and development). I feel that this will help me progress throughout the second year as I will be organized and also be able to reflect on my own work on a day to day bases. The second year means a fresh start to me and I am looking forward to the projects that I will be receiving and hope to push myself to the best of my ability.
Saturday, 5 January 2008
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